I don't know what it is, but I love to camp in old buildings. This dining hall is from th 40's, and I really like it. I wish I had the money to buy the rights to it from the council. Then it would get the attention it deserves!
The boys like camping in it because it's easy!!
Double burgers!!
Ahhhhh alls quiet.

The only problem is no place to hang my hammock, and sleeping on the ground is for rookies.
What do scout love to do, but no one lets them do??
CUT STUFF DOWN! When we found a lot that someone wanted cleared and we needed poles, we'll it going to be some fun work.
What do you do with a bunch of poles? Hmmmmm let's make something.
The start of our camp fence for camporee.
Then we end with a little church.............
Over all a really great wet weekend.